The list of Freaks
working on another page because this one STINKS!
Agatha is one of Bellerose's assistants, one of the newer ones. While in her 20s and 30s, she just did whatever came to her in life, worked at a few fast food restaurants, customer service, more retail jobs than she can remember, though she wasn't doing all those jobs for nothing. Agatha saved a few thousand bucks to get into a good enough college, she couldn't just break her family's legacy of everyone getting into college. She studied Linguistics, then changed to mathematics, hated it so she changed once again and finally got into the major she stuck with, mortuary science. It might've been a bit grim but she heard the pay was good enough.
One okay-doing day, walking around in a mall, she saw an old woman with curly hair and goggles in one of those stereotypical "mad sciencist" outfits being ignored along with a pimpled middle aged woman with greasy magenta hair and glasses bigger than a pack of cards. They both said they were looking for assistants, and Agatha was unemployed by then, so she got hired part-time by those strange people and went along with whatever they said.
- English
- Birth date: 12th of October, 1981
- Age: 44 Years.
- Indifferent
- introvert
- Non-conventionally Attractive
- Hasn't shaved since 1999
- Currently dating Barbara
Barbara is the first of Dr. Bellerose's various assistants. Unlike Agatha she actually had a plan for her life: Raise your GPA to 3.9, Score way above 1400 on the SATs, Enroll in Oxford and study until PhD level and reenroll and obtain a degree of your choice. Easy, right? No. Barbara had demanding parents, maybe a bit too demanding for her mental health but it shouldn't affect her studying... Well too bad it did. She had a GPA of 2.9 and only scored a 1000 on the SATs. No way in hell will that give her an opportunity to get a PhD nor enroll in Oxford, she tried all the Ivy league schools, rejected from all of them, so she had to settle for a regular university, there she got her degree in engineering and biology, or at least half of it until she was kicked out for her grades. At this point, Barbara had no reason left to keep trying so hard, so she just applied to as many jobs as possible to at least get a few interviews, it didn't help that she was gross looking and dressed like an idiot.
- American with Russian maternal grandparents
- Birth date: 1st of November, 1980
- Age: 45
- Anxious and Insecure
- "What is Cerave?"
- Introvert
- Conventionally Ugly
- -8 myopia with astigmatism
- Currently dating Agatha
THE Dr. Bellerose, a highly renowned sciencist... well, until her "death" in a horrible car accident in the 30s that drove her off a clif and hurdling into a lake.
Ewwwww!!!!!!!!!!! yuck! blegh! im gonna puke rn!!!!!!!
sharron is very friendly and nice and will buy you ice cream ♡♡♡
she would prob tuck you into bed ♡♡♡♡♡
def wouldnt sell your organs ♡♡♡♡♡
has a pet fish called ghoti ♡♡
it is a tiny bala shark fish ♡
Bland, though pairs well with worcestershire sauce, glitter, and a checkerboard used to perform an unremarkable vanishing magic trick.
- White
- Birth date: 32nd of Naughtuary, i
- Age: Adult
- Faded away into pseudo-reality
- Dr. Bellerose seldom calls her
- Had an identity crisis and is now Jane Loe instead of Jane Doe
- Acquainted with Barbara's brother
- kinda chill but also kinda non-existent